Analysis of EU-funded projects
The EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 aims to secure healthy, resilient, biodiversity-rich ecosystems that deliver the range of services essential to the prosperity and well-being of citizens. Nature-based Solutions (NBS) – with healthy and biodiverse ecosystems at their core - are central to achieving the objectives of this strategy and sustainably tackling wider societal, economic and environmental challenges.
This report presents findings from a review of over 30 EU-funded research and innovation projects conducted as part of the EC’s Valorisation of NBS Projects Initiative. The aim was to determine the contribution of these projects to EU biodiversity, climate and other policy objectives as well as to sustainable transition processes. The report further highlights new approaches to support the development and management of biodiverse NBS and provides insights into governance models to deliver biodiversity benefits. On this basis, the document outlines remaining research gaps and policy recommendations to promote the mainstreaming and enhanced contribution of biodiverse NBS across biodiversity and other sectoral policies, not least to foster a sustainable societal transformation in Europe and beyond.
Original document:
Published: 2020-07-13
Corporate author(s): Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (European Commission)
Themes: Environmental research
Subject: biodiversity , Europe , fund (EU) , governance , innovation , report , research and development , research project , social well-being , sustainable development
ISBN 978-92-76-18204-7 | DOI 10.2777/183298 | Catalogue no. KI-03-20-278-EN-N