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Partner Projects
Anchor 1
Hanging Water Tank

The Vision behind the PZH Rotterdam Garden at the China Flower Expo 2021
The PZH Rotterdam Garden took place in Shanghai, Chongming during the 10th Flower Expo. Due to the strict travel restrictions, the...

PZH Rotterdam Garden at the China Flower Expo 2021 - Hanging Water Tank
The Province of South Holland (PZH) and the Municipality of Rotterdam builded a pavilion at the China Flower EXPO 2021 in Shanghai, at...

Sponge building Dalian China - Hanging Water Tank
The first pilot of Hanging Water Tank in Liaoning, China was realized in Dalian, with subsidy from the Dutch government. Hengji Water was...

Hanging Water Tank -- Innovation Urban System
In traditional urban city planning solutions, people drain the rainwater out of cites, to avoid any potential threatens brought by...

Nautilus - Lindtsedijk loose plants in Heerjansdam
Place: Heerjansdam Client: GKB Realisatie bv Application: Aqua-Flora plants Species: Diverse Commissioned by GKB Realisatie bv, Nautilus...

Singelpark Gouda - Excellent combination of Nature-based solution and public engagement
#singelparkgouda #nautilusecosolutionsbv #natuarebasedsolutions #urbangreen Project information (kindly provided by Nautilus...

The Groene Tunnel (the green tunnel) in Amsterdam
Information summary: The Groene Tunnel is a 35-meter-wide canal dug between the filled Haveneiland and Grote Rieteiland in the...

Eco-Floating project DEMO was displayed in The Kubuqi International Desert Forum, 2019
The Kubuqi International Desert Forum (KIDF) is the only large international forum in the world that is dedicated to promoting global...

Stad van de Zon, the first CO2-neutral district in the Netherlands
#naturebasesolution #nautilusecosolutions #europeangreencitydesign #CO2neutral Project information summary Source: Nautilus Eco-solutions...

"Seatree" -- a new city habitat for flora and fauna
Highlight: The motivation of Sea Tree actually come from the fact that: Urbanisation and climate change put a lot of pressure on...
Anchor 2
Dutch Sino Business Promotions

The best environmental studies university - Wageningen University (ETE group)
#wageningenuniversity #environmentaltechnologygroup #environmentaltechnology Wageningen is one of the top-ranked universities in the...

Groundwater data is essential for nature development - Eijkelkamp's solution on data collection

Eco-Floating project DEMO was displayed in The Kubuqi International Desert Forum, 2019
The Kubuqi International Desert Forum (KIDF) is the only large international forum in the world that is dedicated to promoting global...

Resilient city construction -- Deltares
In 40 years from now, approximately 70% of the world’s population will live in cities. This strong urbanisation trend has an effect on...
Anchor 3
Anchor 4

Eco-Floating project DEMO was displayed in The Kubuqi International Desert Forum, 2019
The Kubuqi International Desert Forum (KIDF) is the only large international forum in the world that is dedicated to promoting global...

Planting liquorice for afforestation with high economic benefits
Elion Resources Group has been working on converting degrade land into oasis for the past 30 years! With continuous technology...
IHS Erasmus University Rotterdam
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