Board of Directors

A passionate entrepreneur, a sustainability value-driven practitioner, and networking savvy. Nan is full of ideas and visions about future green cities. With her business consulting background, Nan has accumulated years of experience and international network in the eco-environmental sectors from soil, water, to urban development. Facing the emerging global challenges, Nan believes that green city design concepts, good practices, and innovative solutions should be better promoted and widely applied to ensure the sustainable development of our common future.
Nan is the Managing Partner of Dutch Sino Business Promotions (DSBP) which she founded in 2006 in Rotterdam. DSBP is the secretariat of NICOLE, a European based professional network (Network for Industrially Co-ordinated Sustainable Land Management in Europe). Nan is also the initiator of a Dutch consortium focusing urban water solutions, PIB Dutch Partnership on Urban Water Management.
Sjoerd Endel
Nan Su

An eco - engineering guru, enthusiastic entrepreneur and practical solution provider. Sjoerd has an open mind to explore new possibilities through his technical engineering expertise, and what’s more is that he dedicates himself to realize his ideas. Sjoerd believes that eco-solutions through plants can bring much more added values to the surrounding nature and communities, which is why he joined Nan to co-initiate this foundation without any hesitation. Through the foundation’s platform, his knowledge and experiences in green city projects can be shared with a broader network.
Sjoerd is the Managing Director of Nautilus Eco-Solutions b.v. based in Heiloo. Nautilus has been delivering high quality eco-engineering projects across Europe in the field of landscape applications, biodiversity, water purification and coastal protection.

A perky architect, green visionary, and life philosopher. Bert is an experienced architect who is courageous in his business development ambitions. He has travelled around the world for new inspiration and authentic experiences. He puts design beyond the architecture object itself towards the functionality and environmentally friendliness, as a practical respond to the urban challenges today. Bert believes designing architectural solutions for the current situation is critical to the sustainable development of future generations.
Bert is the founder of Green Art International, a green architecture design firm. He also founded Hanging Water Tank b.v., a smart water storage and distribution systems integrating green roofs and walls, providing fresh water and clean air to the urban residents.
Bert Dautzenberg

A dedicated ambassador of Building with Nature Solutions. Her hearts follows the green pathway with the academic background in Economics and Marketing. Tanja is a very skilful, intelligent 'process thinker’ and an excellent communicator. She is last but not least very loyal to the business of Nature Based solutions. She found that working with both Sjoerd and Nan was truly a blessing and a great way to work on her goal, which is to leave this planet a little greener than when she found it.
Tanja is Strategist Green Innovation at Nautilus Eco - Solutons bv for more than eight years now. Her expertise lies in Nature Based Solutions with Aqua-Flora® materials.